Friday, July 22, 2016

WinSCP connection to VCSA failed: "Received too large SFTP packet. Max supported packet size is 1024000 B"

The following error might appear when you try to connect with WinSCP to your VCSA.

This is due to login scripts that are printing words and the first 4 characters cast into the number(represents the first 4 bytes read from the server)

To fix the problem you can usually move the command that print the login script text to another proper interactive script or just remove completed, however in VMware the scenario is different and the default shell has change from bash to appliancesh.

VMware's resolution is to use the SCP file protocol through bash shell.  However after I change to SCP I received the following error: (when default shell not set to bash)

This was fixed after changing the default shell.  I am using a newly created user account that can be used to access the server through WinSCP.  Just remember you would have to modify permissions on your files to copy them if going down this route.  You can use root account to temporary change the shell from bash to appliance to access with WinSCP. Entirely up to you.

>shell.set --enabled True
>useradd winscp
>passwd winscp
>visudo (add user with root access)
>chsh -s /bin/bash winscp

If you are using root you temporary change to bash shell and then return to appliance shell:
To return:
>chsh -s /bin/appliancesh useraccount


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