Friday, January 29, 2016

vCloud Director UI, then and what now?

Just more than a month ago we were given very exciting news from the vCloud team regarding further limited enhancements to the UI of vCD-SP for 2016.
How things can change within a month:

 Lets hope that none of these recent activities has any impact on the vCD-SP UI announcements but only time will tell...

Sunday, January 24, 2016

vCenter Server - Host Profiles error "the option uservars.suppressShellWarning"

Receive the error "the option uservars.suppressShellWarning"

This is due to a previous selection to suppress warnings for instance for enable SSH on your ESXi host.


To fix this you can either change the host profile to enable this suppression

Advanced Configuration Settings -> Advanced Options -> Advanced configuration option
Click the green plus "+" sign symbol to create a new option.
Select advanced option "configured a fixed option"
The name of the option "UserVars.SuppressShellWarning"
Set the value to "1"

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

ESXi reset system configurations

As some point in time you would want to re-use an ESXi host but do not want to go through the hassle of a complete reinstall and rather have quick solution.

I find the "reset system configuration" in DCUI very useful for this task.
There is also a way to perform this task via SSH:

#  /sbin/ --reset   (this will automatically reboot your host)
# /sbin/ --reset-only (this will not reboot host and needs to be done manually)

Fusion 8.1 - NAT port forwarding not working

If you are Fusion 8.1 user on Mac then this might apply.

NAT port forwarding seems to be having some issues on latest 8.1!

To fix this perform the following steps:

  •     Download the NAT network component from (MD5: e347f5c8d86640af5102852c897e31cc)
  •     Replace /Applications/VMware\ with the file downloaded in step 1.
  •     Restart the NAT network with the following commands:
    • sudo /Applications/VMware\ –stop
    • sudo /Applications/VMware\ –start

How to setup port forwarding:

vSphere 5.5 - Solution for VASA setup errors with VNX

Over weekend I wanted to review some of the features and functionalities that VASA and VSI provides inside vCenter server for a VNX array(5300).  VASA configuration should be straight forward but ran into some strange issues which took some extensive troubleshooting:


VMware compatibility guide for EMC VASA provider specifies that VASA support is part of VNX Block OE 05.32; no additional software is required.  Our VNX 5300 has FLARE 5.32 which should allow for straight connectivity to the VNX...

On vCenter server web client select your vCenter server in inventory list on left.  Select Manage tab in right pane -> Storage provider sub-tab. Click the green button.

Monday, January 18, 2016

New job!

Been a bit quiet for a while since I resigned from AirWatch by VMware in November 2015.

I just started a new job as Solutions Architect, joining the virtualization team at Sovereign Systems!
Looking forward to all the new challenges and hopefully get to be much more active on my posts.

Probably some blog redesign in order as well :)