Friday, March 27, 2015

vRealize Operations - missing dashboards when sharing

After upgrading from vRO 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 I tried to share some Dashboard tabs and templates with certain account groups.

I have multiple solutions added which creates a lot of dashboards so when viewing the dashboard window under content i see all 69.  However trying to share dashboard only a count of 50 is displayed so cannot select all dashboards.


I opened case with VMware support and they were able to reproduce the issue where the dashboards shared window cannot display more than 50 entries.
Fix will be available with next release.

vRealize Operations - change root password for console access

This is just a quick reference on how to reset the root password to be more secure:


Login to vCenter server
Select VM for vRA appliance
Open console.
Press ALT+F1 which will provide you with login prompt.
Enter username "root"
For password just press ENTER since password is blank.

Will now be prompted to provide new password!